Bhuna Gosht


  1. Mutton cut into 2 inch cubes : 500 gm
  2. Onion chopped :                 2 med size
  3. Ginger paste :                     2 tsp
  4. Garlic sliced / chopped :      2 tsp
  5. Tomato chopped :               2 numbers
  6. Lemon juice :                      1 tsp
  7. Green coriander chopped : 2 tbsp
  8. Refined oil :                        3 tbsp
  9. Garam masala powder :     1 tsp
  10. Haldi powder :                    2 tsp
  11. Green chill1 (slitted) :         4 numbers
  12. Jeera powder :                   1 tsp
  13. Dhania powder :                 1 tsp
  1. Boil mutton pieces with 1 tsp chopped onion, 1/2 tsp ginger, 1/2 tsp garlic and a little salt in 1/2 cup of water in a pressure cooker for 10 minutes on medium heat.
  2. After the cooker cools heat and evaporate the excess moisture.
  3. Heat the oil in a wok, add sliced garlic and chopped onion and fry on medium heat till the colour turns light brown.
  4. Add haldi powder, ginger paste and fry for 2 minutes.
  5. Add tomato pieces and fry till they mix well.
  6. Add jeera powder and dhania powder.
  7. Add the boiled mutton to the spices, add salt to taste and cook for 2 minutes on low heat.
  8. Simmer on slow heat for 10-12 minutes stirring now and then.
  9. Turn off the heat, add lemon juice, garam masala powder, and mix well. 
  10. Decorate with slitted green chilli and fresh coriander.
  1. It is not recommended to add water to the spices, so cook on low heat and stir it to avoid burning.
  2. You may add a pinch of black pepperpowder before serving.

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