Egg Chops


Egg chops are very simple to make and easy to digest. Also they make a wonderful snacks item and goes well with evening tea.
  1. Egg:                              2 nos.
  2. Potato:                          2 nos.
  3. Onion (small):               1 No.
  4. Ginger:                          1/2 inch
  5. Garlic:                            2-3 cloves
  6. Turmeric powder:          1/2 tsp
  7. Garam masala power:   1/4 tsp
  8. Green chili (small):         1 no.
  9. Fresh coriander:            2 tsp
  10. Vegetable oil:                1 tbs
  11. Bread crumb:                 3/4 cup
  12. Raw egg:                       1 no.
  13. Salt:                               1/2 tsp
  1. Boil the eggs and potatos.
  2. De-skin potatos and remove the shell of the boiled eggs.
  3. Smash potatos and eggs together and mix well.
  4. Make a fine paste of onions, ginger and garlic in a blender.
  5. Heat 3 tsp of vegetable oil in a pan.
  6. Fry onion, ginger and garlic paste till colour changes to light brown.
  7. Add the smashed edd and potato mix, lower heat, mix well. Continue frying for 2-3 mins. Add salt, garam masala powder, fresh coriander and mix well. Turn off the heat and let the mixture cool.
  8. Divide the cooked mixture into 4-5 portions. Shape each portion like cylinder.
  9. Coat each portion first with beaten raw egg, then with bread crumb, and then repeat the steps once more. Chops are now ready to fry.
  10. Deep fry  the chops in oil, lower the heat to prevent over frying.
  11. Take out chops and place on a kitchen towel to soak the excess oil.
  12. Serve hot with french fry and tomato ketchup.
  1. Ready to fry chops can be kept in the fridge, and fried when required.
  2. Do not fry chops in very hot oil. Bring down the temperature of the oil before frying.


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