
Khichuri is a typical dish, served on a rainy day.

  1. Govind Bhog rice: 1 cup
  2. Musus dal: 1 cup
  3. Haldi (Turmeric) powder: 1½ tsp
  4. Jeera (Cumin) powder: 1 tsp
  5. Dhania (Coriander) powder: 1 tsp
  6. Bay leaf: 1 no
  7. whole cardamom: 4 nos
  8. Whole cloves: 6 nos
  9. Cinnamon stick: 1 inch
  10. Tomato chopped: 1 small
  11. Onion: 1 small
  12. Ginger paste: 1 tsp
  13. Salt: To taste
  14. Refined oil: 2 tbs
  15. Ghee: 2 tsp
  1. Boil drinking water, about 6 cups, in a saucepan and keep aside.
  2. Heat the oil in a wok till smoke comes out.
  3. Add whole cardamom cinnamon, cloves and bay-leaf and saute on low heat for 1 minute.
  4. Fry onion till translucent.
  5. Add chopped tomatoes and rest of the spices, keep heat on low flame.
  6. Keep cooking for about 5-6 minutes or till the oil leaves the sides.
  7. Wash musur dal and rice and drain the water.
  8. Add dal to the spices, keep stirring for 2-3 minutes.
  9. Add the rice and fry for about 4-5 minutes on low flame.
  10. Add salt to taste.
  11. Pour boiled water (about 3 cups) and pressure cook for about 5 minutes.
  12. When the steam is released, open the lid, add ghee. Add boiled water if needed.
  13. Serve hot with accompaniments.

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