Lamb or Mutton curry - Indian Style











The following procedure will help to make mutton curry for two adults. We have suggested use of pressure cooker, however cooking for a longer period in a covered pan will do.

Cooking ingredients:
  1. Mutton or lamb:       450 gm or 1 lbs
  2. Potatoes:                 2 (medium sized)
  3. Onions:                    2 (medium sized)
  4. Ginger (chopped):    2 tbs          
  5. Garlic (chopped):      1.5 tbs
  6. Tomatoes (red):       1 (small sized) 
  7. Cardamoms (small): 3 to 4 numbers
  8. Cinnamon:               1.5 inch
  9. Cloves:                     3 to 4 numbers
  10. Turmeric powder:    3/4 tsp
  11. Chili powder:           tsp 1/2
  12. Vegetable oil:         3/4 cup
  13. Salt:                        1 tsp or to taste                    
  14. Water:                     1 cup       
Preparation for cooking:
  1. Wash the meat and cut to small pieces about 2" x 2".
  2. Wash the potato and de-skin. Cut each potato to two pieces. 
  3. The onions are to be chopped finely. 
  4. Take a about 2 inch long ginger, peel the skin and chop to small pieces.
  5. Take 2-3 cloves from garlic, remove the skin and cut to fine small pieces
  6. Take the tomato and cut to small pieces.
Cooking steps:
  1. Take a medium size cooking pan.
  2. Pre-heat the pan and pour the oil (Item 12).
  3. Once the oil is properly heated, fry the potato in low flame, till the skin becomes golden.
  4. Put the flame to high mode and heat up the oil once more. 
  5. Add cardamom, cinnamon and cloves in the oil, fry for 1/2 a minute in low flame.
  6. Add onion. Keep stirring in low flame, till the onion colour starts turning light pink.
  7. Add garlic and ginger, keep string. If you notice the oil has cooled down, increase the heat and cook in high flame for 20-30 secs.
  8. When the onion starts turning brown, add chili and turmeric powder, and keep stirring.
  9. When the color of the mixture turns red, add the tomato, and continue stirring.
  10. Put the Pressure Cooker on the other oven and heat the water in it.
  11. Before the mixture becomes too dry, add the meat, cook in low flame, string all the time.
  12. When the meat and other ingredients are thoroughly mixed, pour the entire mixture in the Pressure Cooker.
  13. After the first whistle, lower the flame and let it cook for about 15 minutes.
  14. Turn off the heat and let the pressure cooker cool.
  15. Open the lid of the pressure cooker, pour the curry in a serving bowl, garnish with green cillies and fresh coriander.


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