Chicken Roast

1. Whole chicken with skin (700-900)gms
2. Salt
3. Pepper
4. Corn flour or white flour - 1 tbs
5. Worcestershire sauce - 1 tbs
6. Vineger - 1 tbs
7. Refined oil - 1 cup
1. Thaw the chicken by keeping it outside the freezer whole night then at room tempperature for about one to one and half hours.
2. Marinate the chicken with Worcestershire sauce and vineger and let it stand for 1 hour.
3. Tie the chicken firmly with a strong thread all around, tuck in the wings and  legs and put the neck inside the body.
4. Heat the oil in a wok till smoking.
5. Reduce heat and slowly place the whole chicken in the oil. Be careful so the oil does not spill over in   which case it might cause severe burns.
6. Fry the chicken on all sides till the color turns to a golden brown.
7. Now slowly lift the chicken out of the oil and place it in a pressure cooker.
8. Add 2 cups of warm water and  half tsp of salt and pressure cook the chicken till soft. It will take about 8 to  10 minutes on a slow flame.
9. Open the lid of the pressure cooker after the steam is released.
10.Lift the chicken with gentle hands, so that it does not break.
11.Place the chicken on a plate, and with a pair of scissors cut the threads and throw them away.
The sauce:
Sauce will be made from the leftover oil after frying the chicken.
1. Take about 1 tbs of the oil in a pan.
2. Add the liquid from the pressure cooker to this oil.
3. Bring to a boil and reduce flame.
4. Thicken the sauce with corn flour.
1. Boil the vegetables until soft. Do not over boil.
2. Stir fry the vegetables in the oil still unused.
3. Add salt and pepper to taste.
4. Place the whole chicken on a full plate, place the vegetables at the sides, so that it looks nice and tasty.
5. Enjoy with bread or toast!
Cook's tips:
1.Check the chicken whether it is cooked completely after you take it out of the pressure cooker by piercing it with a fork.
2. Do not over boil vegetables.
3. Garnishing is very important for this recipe.
4. You may also use beans, broccoli, cauliflower...etc.

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