Chirer Polao

  1. Flattened rice or Chira: 2 cups
  2. Chopped onion: 1/2 cup
  3. Chopped Carrot: 1/2 cup 
  4. Chopped Beans: 1/2 cup
  5. Green peas: 1/2 cup
  6. Potato:  diced (small) 1/2 cup
  7. Green Chili: 2 (deseeded)
  8. Bay leaf: 2 (medium)
  9. Green Cardamom: 2 numbers
  10. Clove: 4 numbers
  11. Cinnamon: long, 1.5 cm
  12. White oil: 1/2 cup
  1. Wash flattened rice 3-4 times in running water in a bowl, drain the water and spread the flattened rice on a plate.
  2. Boil the vegetables (carrot, beans, potato and peas) in medium flame till cooked but firm.
  3. Heat oil in a wok or frying pan, lower flame.
  4. Add green cardamom, clove, cinnamon and bay leaves, and wait till aroma comes out.
  5. Fry the onions on medium heat till golden brown.
  6. Add the boiled vegetables (as in step 2) and gently fry with onion.
  7. Add flattened rice, gently fry with the vegetables, till mixing of flattened rice and vegetables is complete.
  8. Add salt to taste, add 1 tsp of sugar (to taste) - mix with a gentle hand.
  9. Serve with Tomato Sauce.
  1. You can add cauliflower and broccoli along with the vegetables.
  2. Also peanuts go well with it.
  3. Do not soak the flattened rice, these become soft very soon.

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