Pabda Machher Jhal

This is a typical Bengali dish. Pabda is a sea fish and when cooked in a gravy of mustard, is delicious!

  1. Pabda fish                      6 
  2. Yellow mustard paste     2 tbs
  3. Onion paste                   1 tsp 
  4. Garlic paste                    1 tsp 
  5. Turmeric pwder              1 tsp 
  6. red chilli powder             1/2 tsp
  7. Green chillies (slitted)     4 
  8. Mustard oil                     3 tbs 
  9. Salt                                1 tsp 
  10. Sugar                             1/4 tsp
  11. Fresh coriander              2-3 sprigs
  12. Kalonji                            a pinch 
  1. Apply a little turmeric powder and salt to the fishes and keep aside for 5 minutes.
  2. Heat mustard oil in an oak.
  3. Fry the fishes till light brown on both sides.
  4. Put a pinch of kalonji and a slitted green chilli in the oil.
  5. Fry the garlic paste and fry for 10 seconds on low flame.
  6. Add onion paste and fry till colour changes to light brown.
  7. Add turmeric powder, red chilli powder with 2 tsp of water and fry for about 2 minutes.
  8. When the oil separates out, add the mustard paste, dissolved in 1/2 cup of water.
  9. Continue cooking for 2 minutes.
  10. Add another half cup of water and bring to a boil.
  11. Add the fishes, taking care that they are fully immersed in the gravy.
  12. Lower heat and cook till the fishes are tender.
  13. You may dry the moisture on high flame if you want less gravy.
  14. Garnish with fresh coriander and green chilli.
  15. Serve with hot rice.
Cook's tips:
  1. You may add raw mustard oil to the gravy after turning off the heat.
  2. Do not fry the mustard paste which will spoil the taste.
  3. While using powdered spices, add a little water to make a paste to prevent burning of the spices.

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